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What is a bullet journal used for

What is a Bullet Journal Used For? Helpful Tips for Beginners

If you’re used to the word ‘journaling’ thrown around, then you’ve pretty much guessed the rest of it. A bullet journal is an organized system that will track your schedules, goals, habits, and in a way control and manage your life – in a good way.

You might be wondering what is a bullet journal really used for? Well, there are many things it could entail. Bullet journals are great for exploring creativity, self-worth and increases self-reflection and confidence through the use of to-do lists, habit trackers, future logs, goals, bucket lists, diary entries, and meal planning among others.

Here we’ll go in detail as to what a bullet journal can be used for and the ways to do so. We’ll also explore whether bullet journaling will be the right fit for you as well as some handy tips to get you started.

Sounds like a plan? Let’s get on with!

Types of Bullet Journals

You might not believe it but a bullet journal is used in many different forms and sometimes you’ll find a few journals that use a combination of these categories in their journal while others tend to stick to a specific theme.

It all depends on what you’ll be using your bullet journal for but do take note that you can include all of these styles in just one journal! Here are a few ideas you’re sure to find interesting:

1. Planner

The most common bullet journal you’ll find is those that use it to organize their life, work, or school.

It’s honestly one of the best (and preferred) ways to keep track of the things you need to do, the places you need to be, and pending deadlines.

It combines and lists your plans in a coherent way while also ensuring that you’re well planned for the present and future.

2. Artistic

The one thing that stands out the most to me when it comes to bullet journals is the attractive and shockingly creative art pieces like these galaxy-themed spreads.

This type of journal makes sure to include artwork that will enhance the experience and quality of the journal using as many colors and fancy handwriting to track and organize their life.

3. Minimalist

As many artistic bullet journals, you will eventually come across, there will be those simple spreads that use the bare minimum colors or graphics to complete their spreads and designs. These journals mainly use a black pen and less is more in this case.

If you’re not very good at drawing or there isn’t much time to dedicate to journaling, having a simple and minimalist bullet journal is the best option for you but don’t be fooled by the word ‘simple’. This kind of journal speaks volumes in the quiet sort of way.

4. Dreamer

Another way you can use a bullet journal is to track and write down your dreams and goals, basically keeping track of the things that matter.

Making plans for the future becomes easier but more than that, you’ll be inspired to strive for what you want.

There isn’t a specific reason that you need to use one whole bullet journal for your goals but if you want to dedicate all you’ve got to them, creating a visual journal is the way to go by creating beautiful spreads of quotes, images, success stories, and positive affirmations.

How To Use a Bullet Journal

Now that you’ve fully caught up on the different types of bullet journals, it’s time to become accustomed to how to use a bullet journal.

As you know, there are many aspects to customizing a bullet journal to make it yours but these are just a few smart items to include in your journal, especially if you’re only starting out.

Add a Journal Key

Begin your journal by creating a key. This way you’ll know where everything is and what a certain symbol means also head over here if you need to see a full step-up guide.

Design a Future Plan

When you use a future log, you’ll be able to easily layout plans for a few months or even a year from now.

You could also do this by creating a simple calendar spread at the very first pages of a new journal but for a true detailed log that successfully combines the use of both is this example below.

Image Source: Journalspiration

List your Goals

Goal setting is especially effective when you use a bullet journal and to set one up, it’s pretty simple.

There are a few ways to do this; you could write a list of goals on one page, you could use a tracker to keep up with them, add them to a monthly and weekly spread, or try a 30-day goal plan mission to complete small tasks.

These goals don’t have to be huge life-changing plans but start off small and work your way up.

Make a To-do List

You’re bound to have something to do every day or week and sometimes it’s best to list them down.

If you’re tired of forgetting things or simply want to finish a task, when you write them and strike these items off when it’s done, you’ll start to feel more confident and accomplished in everyday life.

Add Trackers

We’ve been talking a lot about trackers so far and yes, they’re amazing! There are many trackers to try but don’t go too crazy and try to track everything, or you’ll just end up demotivated.

Here are a few things you can easily track:

  • Moods
  • Weight
  • Fitness
  • Cleaning
  • Reading
  • Sleep
  • Spending
  • Choose a Log

Okay, so logs are pretty much similar to trackers but here you’ll be noting specific events or things you need to do for the month like take care of the household, personal appointments, work, and college tasks. You’ll also see a few sleep logs, time logs, and activity logs


A great way to make your journal more you is to add pictures of vacations you’ve been to or concerts and stuff. You could also add places you want to go and list the places you’ve been to.

See also: Travel Bullet Journal Ideas: 14 Spreads For A Memorable Trip

Give an account of what it was like to travel to this or that place and draw a few traveling doodles to give it that extra flair.

This one is loads of fun and it can help motivate you if you’ve been itching to visit a certain country!

When To Use a Bullet Journal?

A journal can be used for when you need to keep track of something or just stay up to date with the things you need to get done immediately. If you’re tried and failed to plan effectively, a bullet journal will organize your life.

Another time when you can use a bullet journal is if you’re just want to try a new hobby. There’ll also be those days when you come across an amazing quote and you need a place to remember it for life, write it down in a journal or maybe you need a place for notetaking or brainstorming, a bullet journal is perfect for all of this.

Reasons For Using a Bullet Journal

I think it’s pretty self-explanatory at this point and I’m sure you now know how beneficial having a bullet journal can be. Whichever reason you decide to use a bullet journal, you’re sure going to experience the benefits, one way or the other.

After some time, you’ll start to notice that your productivity and time management has increased to a new level of awesomeness but most importantly, you’ll be more mindful of the present, future, and of yourself.

Is bullet journaling for everyone?

Let’s think about this for a second. First, ask yourself, do you like to take notes? Do you like handwriting things or are you the kind of person who prefers to write digitally? Are you interested in drawing or doodling? Will you make the time to journal at least once a day or every few days?

Not everyone likes to keep a bullet journal but those that have tried eventually fell in love with it. Yes, if you’re planning to make beautiful and artistic spreads, then it is time-consuming. But if you’re passionate about journaling, anything is possible and you will make the time for it.

However, the only legit way to know if bullet journaling is for you is to actually try it. Take a chance, grab any kind of notebook, and give it a shot for a month or two. Even a few weeks is sufficient.

Just remember, there is no need to feel ashamed of your drawing skills or whether another person’s spread on Instagram is a hundred times better than yours or that you suck at drawing or your handwriting is terrible.

At the end of the day, it’s your journal and if you stick with it, eventually you’ll notice an improvement in the quality of your artwork and spreads.

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