How To Draw A Donut In Just 4 Easy Steps
If there’s one thing that I will always crave no matter the time of day and that’s donuts. It also doesn’t matter whether it’s just a cream-filled donut or a fully coated chocolate donut, it’s bound to make me crave them even more.
So, creating this tutorial on how to draw a donut for you guys was definitely a challenge for me and I don’t remember when last I actually got down to eating a donut in the last month or so.
But drawing this donut was still quite a treat for me and I am definitely pleased with the outcome of this donut drawing.
It’s really an easy one to draw and if it’s your very first time drawing a donut like this or maybe you’ve attempted to draw a donut before and it never turned out just quite right, then you’re sure to enjoy following along to this tutorial.
I suggest that you grab a pencil and a page to get started.
Don’t forget to include a few colored pencils to fill in your drawing at the end.

In case you needed a picture of a donut to draw one, here’s the reference image we will work from for this drawing. It’s quite a simple donut but I love how the glazing melts on the side of the donut.
We’ll try to include this little detail in our drawing to make it look just as good as the picture.
Steps For Drawing A Donut
Step 1

To get started, begin by drawing this roundish shape as I have done here. This is the middle of the donut where the hole is.
Step 2

Now at the top of that first shape, go ahead and draw a curved line around that shape.
Step 3

Then draw a wavy line connecting the first line to the other side. This will show the glaze or frosting of the donut.
Step 4

Now draw a few sprinkles on the donut and make sure to draw them in a few different directions. You can choose to draw as many or as little as you like.
Step 5

Now draw another curved line to the other side of the donut to complete the overall shape. Once you have finished this step, you can now move onto shading your drawing in.
Here you can choose to customize your drawing in any way you like or you can stick closely to the reference and make your donut a pink one if you prefer.
It’s literally that easy to learn how to draw a donut. I hope you found this guide to be helpful and may it also be useful when drawing more donuts in the future.
If you enjoyed this tutorial, there are a select few drawing tutorials that I think you will find useful. Here are my most recommended tutorials for beginners and pros:
Also, these tutorials will be equally as fun as this one over here.
Before you go, if you have the time, please let me know your thoughts or suggestions in the comments before.