How To Draw A Clover Leaf Step By Step
Clover leaves are said to bring hope, faith, and love. A four-leaf clover is said to bring in luck according to tradition and since they are quite rare, this is why they are considered ‘lucky’. If you would like to bring luck into your life, learning how to draw a clover leaf will be easier than finding one.
But if for some chance you do happen to encouter a real clover leaf, then consider the fact that drawing this particular one contributed to it.
I’m just kidding but it would be really awesome to find a four-leaf clover.
According to Wiki, the chances of finding one is 1 in 5000. Pretty cool, right?
Below, I’ve put together a full step by step tutorial that will show you how to draw a clover leaf. There’s also a reference that you can use as a guide to help you along the way.
Reference Image
We’ll get started with out clover leaf drawing in just a minute but let’s take the time to study our reference to make it easier to draw this on our own.

For this clover leaf, there are exactly 3 leaves that looks similar to the shape of a heart that is connected to a stem.
The leaves are also a much darker green whereas the stem is light green. If you look a bit closer, there are also tiny veins on each leaf.
Now that we have a basic understanding of the structure of the drawing, we can finally begin.
Steps For Drawing A Clover Leaf
Step 1

To begin this drawing, start by drawing a simple heart shape as I have done here. You’ll then want to separate the leaf by drawing a straight line down the center of the heart.
Step 2

On the right hand side, you’ll want to draw another heart shape with a line down the middle connecting it to the first leaf your had drawn in the previous step.
Step 3

Once you have done that, you’ll want to draw another heart leaf shape on the left hand side titling it slightly so that the overall shape looks curved. Ensure that your lines for each leaf join together in the center.
Step 4

And here are the last final stages of your drawing. You’ll want to include two lines done that are slightly more curved and this will be the stem of the clover leaf.
If you are not planning to color in this drawing, then be sure to include the tiny details such as the veins on each leaf.
Final Drawing

Doesn’t this clover leaf drawing look cute? To color in the drawing, you’ll want to make the leaves a darker shade of green and the stem a shade lighter, as we have analyzed from the reference earlier.
If you have not outlined the veins in black as yet, I would recommend drawing them in a really light shade of green ink or a white pen with the use of thin lines.

I had so much fun drawing and creating this cloverleaf drawing tutorial for you guys but it also gave me so much pleasure doing so, especially when you see the whole drawing come together.
If you’re starting a new journal or diary, try drawing this clover leaf on the front cover or somewhere in the book as a way to symbolize hope and luck.
Alternatively, if you want to draw a four leaf clover, simply make a few adjustments to fit another set of leaves in this drawing.
If you enjoyed this lesson on how to draw a clover leaf, then you might enjoy our other tutorials: