How To Draw A Chicken Step By Step (Easy Drawing Guide)
Are you interested in learning how to draw a chicken? If so, I can assure that you that you’re bound to have lots of fun doing so with this step-by-step guide that is perfect for beginners.
Drawing chickens is quite an interesting task and if you haven’t before, then I’m sure you’re going to enjoy this one.
It’s a simple and easy drawing that doesn’t have any complicated shapes or lines that you need to stress over but the one thing I love the most about drawing like these is when you actually color or paint them in.
That’s when the real magic shows.

I’ve included a reference picture of a chicken that we will draw in a second. You can use this picture to add more details if you want later on.
Steps For Drawing A Chicken
Step 1

To draw a chicken is simple. You’ll want to begin by drawing the top of the head and then draw the front of the head. Include a small dot for the eye.
Step 2

At the top of the chicken, draw a curved line down. Then from the front of the head, draw another line going down.
Step 3

Extend the line you just drew to create the body for the chicken and make it curve upwards towards the tail.
Step 4

The next thing you’ll want to do is to draw the feet. Make the feet look like a star shape.
Step 5

Now connect those two lines together towards the tail end.
Step 6

Then draw these sharp curved lines to create the feathers for the chicken. And you’re finally done.
The next step would be to add some color to your chicken drawing to make it look even better.
That’s all there is to learn how to draw a chicken and I sure hope you did have fun following along with this guide.
You don’t need to stress yourself by making your drawing look identical to the reference.
At the end of the day, this is a drawing of a chicken, not an exact copy. As long as it reads well, there’s nothing to worry about.
If you’re up for drawing more fun things, be sure to check out some of our other drawing tutorials. For now, here are the ones we highly recommend you try: