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how many months does a bullet journal last

How Long Does A Bullet Journal Last?

When you’re a beginner at bullet journaling, you sort of go down the rabbit hole, discovering new things that make you excited and desperate for more. The further you find yourself, the most questions start to pop up. We’ve all been there before, not just with bullet journaling, am I right?

So, if the question of how many months does a bullet journal last is at the top of your list then here’s all you need to know. A bullet journal can last you anywhere between 3 – 6 months or 1 – 2 years depending on how you plan to use the journal. The more items that are added or pages that are filled, the quicker your journal will get finished.

If you’d like to dive deeper into this interesting topic, we’ve broken it down into a simple explanation of how long a bullet journal will last on average that will definitely help you prepare for the future.

It depends on what you plan to use it for

As always, I highly recommend you just go for it and discover these answers on your own.

Because there are various factors involved. Everyone’s style is different, those who have the time to journal or how many pictures and craft supplies that are used to decorate, these could affect the outcome of a bullet journal’s life span.

However, in order to estimate or predict how long a journal will last, you’ll first have to take into account these following things:

When will you journal? Daily, weekly, or monthly?

First up, here’s a simple question that will make it easier for you to know how long a journal will last for you.

If you’re planning to journal daily, then I’d say you’ll pretty much end up finishing the pages much quicker than expected but if you journal weekly or even monthly, then this will pull much longer.

Another way that will tell is if you plan to use it in an artistic or minimalist manner?

Here are a few more questions to help you decide:

  • Will you be drawing a lot in it?
  • Will you be writing long diary entries?
  • Will you add different kinds of bullet journal collections?
  • How many spreads will you include per month?

When you successfully answer these questions, you’ll be able to tell just how many pages you’re going to need.

For example, a dotted bullet journal usually has 128 pages. If you dedicate at least 10 pages for each month, then your bullet journal will last you a full year.

If you plan to add long written diary entries that require multiple pages, (in my case, I love to spew my thoughts out and I tend to ramble a lot until I feel empty of words) then your bullet journal may not last a full year.

Choose the correct bullet journal

You might be wondering why I’m including this but bullet journals come in all sizes and colors. Some are pocket book size while others are usually an A5 size so size does matter when it comes to the life span of a bullet journal.

If you choose a journal that is smaller than the ordinary, you’ll have fewer pages to include all the things you need to or you’ll notice that the journal is finished much sooner than you’d like.

Bullet journal with lined paper

Also, when it comes to bullet journaling, you don’t have to use a dotted grid paper. Any journal will do, whether that’s with lined paper or blank pages. The chose remains with you.

However, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the number of pages or impatient to actually complete a journal, then I recommend starting with a journal with less amount of pages.

This will give you more confidence in the fact that you can complete a journal but do remember that how long you plan to journal for does not matter.

As long as you are enjoying what you do, there’s no need to keep a strict schedule.

How long does a planner last?

Just like as a bullet journal, you’ll also find that most planners will last you anywhere between 3-9 months depending on its used.

But a predated daily planner (or non predated planner like Panda Planner) will, of course, last you the amount of time it’s dated for (usually a year or if it’s a 6 month dated planner).

It doesn’t really matter if you want to use a bullet journal or a planner (even though they are both similar in a few ways but very different at the same time).

When it comes to how long they will last, you’d expect that they’re not that far off from each other, especially if you stick with a minimalist and simple kind of design for the way you journal.

Tips to make a bullet journal last longer

By now you’re aware of how long a bullet journal can last but you might be wondering of ways to make it last longer since bullet journals definitely aren’t cheap!

And when you’re a student, you’re going to need to save wherever you can.

There are many ways to make a bullet journal last longer but it does require some restrictions on your part but don’t let that scare you. There are many ways to create more space in your bullet journal.

1. Add on pages with inserts

First up, if you’re nearing the end of your journal, a great way to add on a few extra pages is to add on inserts. You could use different colored paper for this to make it look extra pretty.

Add on pages with inserts

2. Stick with a minimalist style

This will only work unless you’re really desperate to make a journal last. However, if you use a minimalistic approach, you’ll tend to use fewer pages because you won’t be adding too many details.

One thing to remember is that a journal is something you plan to express yourself so you definitely don’t want to restrict yourself from allowing this precious place to be your creative outlet.

3. Plan out your setup before you begin

This will require a bit of effort on your part but if you carefully plan out how many pages you’ll need or want to use for a specific month or even gather ideas on how to make a journal pretty without needing too many details, this will definitely help you prepare in a way where your journal will last you as much as it can.

How to fill up a bullet journal

Now on the other hand, if you’re looking for ways to fill up a blank journal, here are our best tips and tricks that will make sure your journal becomes rich with juicy content while enjoying every second of it.

This is just a few simple and quick pages you can add but we recently did a list of bullet journal page ideas that will really help you decide on things to include in your journal.

  • Add a future log with your plans and goals
  • Include a gratitude page of things you’re most grateful for
  • Try writing daily prompts to fill up the pages
  • Include special memories with pictures
  • Add simple details of your life like things you love or hate
  • Keep a sleep journal entry of your dreams
  • Keep track of your year-end goals and plans on accomplishing them
  • Continue adding various brain dump pages or random doodles


Bullet journals will last a long time depending on how you best make use of them.

Those that journal more than others will, of course, run out pretty sooner but what’s more important than whether you’re finishing a journal or not in a shorter space of time is the fact that you’re filling up the story of your life.

So, rather than feeling anxious about how long a journal will last you, look at the positive that you get to fill up another brand new journal of your precious thoughts and memories.

Because completing a bullet journal is just as exciting as starting a new one!

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One Comment

  1. Hi, I started my first BuJo a few weeks before Covid/Quarantine so I wasted months worth of pages that I made up (I did a week for each 2 page spread) but I don’t regret starting it. I learned a new habit of keeping track of appointments, work schedule and fun information like favorite podcasts, history facts, true crime facts and story ideas. I’m still in my first Bujo and I use a one page spread for each week plus I don’t do future log or monthly-just weekly. I keep it very plain and simple like the original one by Ryder Carrol. And I don’t include any art (just a few flowers or a little color pencil) because I have ADHD Inattentive and the simpler, the better! I love having a BuJo and although I use my phone calendar/alarms daily, I use my Bujo daily, too!

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