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bullet journal for work

Ways To Use A Bullet Journal For Work (& 9 Best Page Ideas)

Struggling to keep organized and productive while working? Forgetting important meetings and deadlines? Then you might need to consider using a bullet journal for work.

A bullet journal isn’t only used to explore creativity and be artistic but it’s a systematic way to be more organized and get things done if used in a particular manner.

With the use of specific spreads, you can easily make sure you’re always on top of things and well planned out for the workday.

If you’d like to turn your bullet journal into a work planner or would like to add a few pages to help you, then here’s the ideal guide for you.

Related Post: What Should I Use My Journal For?

Why Bullet Journaling Is Great For Work

Before we get started, these reasons may help you figure out if bullet journaling for work will be the right choice. With its wide range of spreads to schedule just about anything, bullet journaling can make you incredibly productive.

It keeps you accountable to complete the tasks you set out since there are deadlines to follow. This way, you’ll find yourself feeling less resistant and more willing to finish each task.

bullet journaling for work ideas

If procrastination has been a long term enemy of yours, using a bullet journal for this purpose will defeat it for sure.

Another great aspect to work journals is that you have a record of everything right there which makes it easier for you to reference or recheck certain details.

The only downfall to this is that confidentially may be of concern if you store important business details or customer’s personal information.

In case of you forgetting the journal somewhere, these factors may be at risk if it lands in the wrong hands so this is definitely something to think about if you plan to write and record important information.

Bullet journals will also serve as a reminder for various work events, meetings, and projects. If you’re well planned out, you’ll never forget anything and it’s a fantastic way to plan ahead and make additional changes.

How To Setup A Bullet Journal For Work

Now that you know how awesome bullet journals are for work purposes, here’s a few ways you can actually implement them and choose the right spreads.

Supplies You’ll Need

With this kind of journal, you don’t need any particular fancy supplies since a bullet journal separate from your personal one and a pen will do just fine.

But if you would like to add a few colorful details, then grab your art supplies.

Step 1: Create an index page

The first thing you can do is to create an index page. This will help you keep track of certain categories and keys if you plan to use them in your spread.

You can also section of your journal into particular categories such as work, personal, and health.

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Step 2: Decide on a theme

There’s no strict rule as to whether you should keep them simple or busy since this depends on your personal preference but keeping things minimalistic will save much more time and effort.

Step 3: Draft your layouts

Before you ink, sketch out a few spreads to decide which ones will work best, and here you can make as many changes.

Pages To Include

Here are a few specific pages you include in your work journal.

These pages will make you more organized at work and will help you monitor your mental and physical health.

You don’t have to include all of these pages but a few of them will be of great use.

1. Calendar and Events Spread

Have a calendar spread at the very beginning of your bullet journal with an events page next to it to mark all the important dates.

You can always revisit these spreads to add more events as they come up throughout the year like how this minimalistic spread is designed:

journaling for work events spreads

Idea via Instagram @geoffstudy

2. Habit Tracker

Keep track of all your habits on one page for the entire month.

You can do this in a form of a pixel spread, graph, or chart and track many things such as your health, work projects, exercise, water, meal planning, whichever activities you normally take part in.

Here you can also incorporate both your personal and work into one.

3. Brain Dump

These spreads are incredible to help you get your thoughts more organized and make sense of things in general. You can also list everything you need to do on this page without overthinking any of it.

bullet journal for work

Idea via society19

This particular spread is worth including and it’s quite simple and easy to draw. I especially love the clean design with two columns that give you more space to write things down.

There are also circles next to each task to fill in once completed.

4. Goal Tracker

Just because it’s a work journal, doesn’t mean it needs to be boring, right?

Here’s a fun and creative goal page ideas you can include in your journal that incorporate all factors in your life but you don’t need to include all categories.

Just pick a few that you want to keep track of or just use this spread for work only.

all in one goals bullet journal spread

Idea via Instagram at silva.and.bold

5. Work Schedule with Project Overview and Time log

This spread is will encourage you to keep track of just about everything. You also have a useful time log on the other page to better manage your time and effort.

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6. Time Tracking

Keeping track of the time you use is of the utmost importance when you’re always rushing and fighting for more time.

You need to have a proper time management system in place that will balance all areas of your life.

Take a look at this beautiful and incredibly useful spread by Kalyn Brooke where she manages to nail time organization!

time tracker for work bullet journal

7. Meeting Notes

You can create a page just for each meeting to attend and the notes during that time. This page will make it easier for you to refer back to when needed.

If you need a spread that includes a task block, list of meetings, meeting notes, and project tracker with a color-coded theme, then try this beautiful spread over here:

meeting notes bullet journal for work

Idea via Instagram at Noh Noh Studies

8. Business Expenses

If you’re an owner of an online business, store, or just keep track of your living expenses, then having a savings and expense log will benefit you in the long run.

It will help you make better decisions in the future and make improvements where needed. For a clean and neat design, try this particular spread:

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9. Use a Kanban Board

If you’re looking for a simpler and more effective way to organize your workflow and visualize, then try the Kanban Board method which is used for this purpose.

It uses sticky notes to map out particular work categories and tasks.

Here’s a full video explanation and tutorial on the Kanban method that will show you step by step on how to create one in your bullet journal:

How To Be More Productive At Work

Being more productive at work can be challenging especially when you’re constantly faced with distractions.

It’s hard to keep up sometimes but this doesn’t mean you should push yourself too far.

Your body needs to be well-nourished and maintained so do keep eating healthy and exciting regularly.

In terms of what you can do at work to be more productive, keep the following in mind:

Take Regular Breaks

Working for long hours can be incredibly taxing both on your mind and physical health. With a few breaks during your work period, you’ll find yourself less tired and more motivated to keep going.

Have a To-Do List block out time

Scheduling tasks and simply the act of writing down something can keep you accountable for getting these tasks done.

It may not seem like you’ll forget to do something at first but it’s highly likely you will.

Grab your journal and block out certain periods of time for each task. Make sure to leave a few blocks empty so if some sudden event occurs that needs your attention, you’ll be able to squeeze it in during this time.

Don’t Multitask

It may be a funny thing but with more multitasking you do, have you noticed how many tasks go uncompleted?

Quit that for a while and focus all your attention on one task.

This way, you’ll be more focused and able to be more attentive towards a particular project.


Using a bullet journal for work is one of the best moves you can make to be more productive and organized.

The general idea of a bullet journal isn’t to just be artistic but it’s to help you improve your life and fix the areas that need attention in a systematic method.

See also: 12 Ways To Bullet Journal When You’re Not Artistic

The best thing you can do if you plan to use a bullet journal for work is to keep it simple and this will no doubt benefit you for saving more time.

So, are you currently using a journal for work or prefer to schedule tasks digitally? Let us know your thoughts below and leave a few tips that you use when journaling for work!

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