Bullet Journal Daily Logs: How To Create Daily Logs That Work
I don’t know about you but how hard is it to get through a single day without knocking most items off your to-do list? Well for me, it’s almost every day until I discovered bullet journal daily logs.
If you’re also struggling to make it pass each day with getting more things done, you’ll love the concept of a daily log.
So, how do you create a bullet journal daily log? It’s simple. Dedicate a page or two of your bullet journal and draw up a table of the things you need to do. You also want to include appointments, events, and reminders that are scheduled for the day. In short, it’s basically a custom daily planner to suit your needs.
If that sounds like something that will help you in the near future, here’s everything I know of how to create a bullet journal daily spread, what to include in the log, and other creative designs you can try.
Having a daily log (also known as a daily spread) will be the best thing you need to be more productive and never miss another task.
What is a Bullet Journal Daily Log?
Before we get into the details, let’s take a look at what a daily log involves. It’s pretty self-explanatory but it’s always a good idea to get to know all the facts or is that just me?
A daily log is just a list of things you need to do during the day. It’s a way to keep track of many important tasks and reminders depending on your lifestyle.
How Are Daily Logs Useful?
No two daily logs are the same except for in cases of certain designs and layouts. How you plan your day can drastically affect the outcome of your day.
A daily log is useful where it will keep you accountable for the things you need to do. It will serve as a reminder of the places you need to be or the people you need to me.
Have an assignment due in a few hours? Use your daily log to plan way in advance. You can also use a daily log in your bullet journal to plan household chores.
Choose certain days to plan your cleaning schedule. Maybe Monday you can do laundry, Tuesday can be bathroom cleaning for instance.
A daily log in a bullet journal can be useful in many different ways whether you’re a student, an office worker, or a stay at home mom, using a bullet journal to plan your day will make you incredibly organized and productive.
Do I Have To Have a Daily log In My Bullet Journal?
The great thing about your bullet journal, it’s yours to do what you will with it.
So, no you don’t need to have a daily log in your bullet journal but if you feel like it will help you be more organized every day, then definitely try including a daily spread.
If you’re concerned as to whether it will take up too much time to draw up a daily spread for each day, there are many ways to include more than one day on a page which you’ll see in just a bit.
Also, I can admit that bullet journalling does take time but it depends on how you plan to use it.
If you’re a more creative person who loves to doodle and make sure your designs and headers look perfect, then drawing up a daily log will definitely take up some of your time each day.
The simple solution to save time when creating a daily log in a bullet journal is to keep things simple by using more minimalistic design. This will cut down half your time if you skip the doodles and aiming for perfection.
Just a quick noting of the day and date, list of things you need to do, a few other notes, creating a daily log will only take a few minutes.
How To Create a Daily Log In a Bullet Journal
Step 1: Create a list
On a scrap piece of paper, roughly sketch out the things you need to do and dedicate a time block for each.
Step 2: Choose your layout
Now it’s time to pick a theme for your daily log. You can browse Pinterest or Instagram and take a few ideas from here and there.
Here I kept things simple with just the name of the week, a short to-do list, and at the end of each day I always Iove include an overview or a few things that I was grateful for.
Step 3: Personalize it
Don’t feel afraid to make this daily log yours. Customize it and add items you think will benefit you. You could add a habit tracker on the side of the page, a notes column, or even draw seven glasses of water to keep you on track with hydrating.
Note: you don’t need to stick with one theme for each day. Switch things around and try out different themes and spreads just so you can get the feel of which one was easier or took less time to draw.
You can also try these 11 best ways to decorate a bullet journal pages that will make it look awesome!
Different Types of Daily Spreads
1. Half-page
Here you’ll be using half the page for one day of the week and the other half for the next day. This will cut down the usage of a few pages and you’ll save more pages throughout the year.
2. One page
You can use one entire page to create a daily spread. This will give you ample space to add as many items you want into your log.
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3. Two page
If you feel like one page is just a bit too much, then try this gorgeous daily log idea. You can include three days on one sheet while keeping it creative with and including a small to-do box on the side.
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Other Daily Spread Ideas
A Box Spread

I love how creative and detailed this daily spread is. You can fit just about anything into this and each section is well organized.
You have a to-do list, a habit tracker in the corner, a brain dump which is absolutely handy in making sense of what you have to do, and a small box for meal planning!
Must see: 21 Incredible Bullet Journal Meal Planning Spreads
Kawaii Spread
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If you love to make your bullet journal look pretty, having a cute spread like this is a great way to keep track of things you need to do while being artistic.
Will Daily Logs Take Up Too Many Pages?
Again, this depends on how often you plan to create a daily spread.
I personally like to use daily logs when I know there’s a busy week ahead but on some days when I have nothing to do, I tend to skip the daily spreads.
If you plan to use a daily log every single day, this will use up quite a few pages!
A typical bullet journal has around 128 pages, so you’ll want to use the pages wisely if you want your bullet journal to last longer.
But if you’re up to keeping more than one bullet journal a year, then you’ll have no problem worrying about this.
What’s The Difference Between a Weekly Spread And a Daily Log?
Weekly spreads are a layout of your full week, usually set out on a two-page spread whereas daily logs are separate entries with no more than 3 days of the week on a page.
When it comes to weekly logs, it’s less detailed and more of a rough guide of things to do. Space is an issue to explore each aspect of your day whereas, with a daily spread, you can be as detailed as you want.
Some people tend to use a weekly spread more but there others who also make use of both.
Either way, every day of the week will be organized to the t.
How To Plan Your Day Effectively
Making sure you have set out your day right is very important for a good day. Here are some tips I’ve come across that can really change the way you function each day:
- Plan at the same time every single day
- Write down the things you need to do
- Categorize each subject (work vs home/life)
- Set out time and duration for each item
- Name three things that must be completed
- Keep a few open time slots to stand-in
- Include a quick 5-minute task that will get you started
How To Stick To Your Daily Goals
The only biggest obstacle that stands I’m our way from achieving our goals or knocking off those items from our todo list is distractions.
Wherever we are, we are constantly faced with distractions that pull us away from our task at hand. Learn to pick and choose which distraction can wait for later.
If it’s an urgent task that cannot wait, then you have no choice but to see to the matter which is why it’s important to have open time slots in your daily log. This will give you the opportunity to finish the majority of your tasks.
The next thing you will want to avoid is multitasking. It’s so easy to multi-task that we get caught up in doing multiple things at a time and the important task tends to fade away. Stock to completing one task at a time before you move onto the next.
Eat the frog
Ever heard of the concept of tackling the biggest and hardest challenged first? That’s how rat the frog came up. When you attempt to complete the number one task that stresses you the most, the rest of the tasks become a breeze.
Set a reward
It’s no lie that we get tired of all the things we do in a day and sometimes we allow ourselves to get caught up in the moment.
Remind yourself each day that you’ll reward yourself with something worthwhile if you finish all the tasks you set out.
It could be 40 minutes of me-time or a special soak in the tub at night, opening a new box of chocolates, or going for dinner somewhere nice, setting small rewards for yourself will help push you throughout the day.