18 Bullet Journal Budget Trackers That’ll Save You Money
Planning your finances, saving money, spending less is easy if you know how to do it the right way. With these bullet journal budget trackers, you’ll have all of your finances well planned out and you won’t be sweating the small stuff.
Let’s say there’s something you’re planning to buy in the future, these spreads will keep you organized and up to date will where and how your money is being spent.
By using a budget tracker, you’ll also be able to pick up on little details that can be improved and figure out which areas or things you need to cut back on.
So, if you would like to keep track of your money in a creative yet practical way, try this list of bullet journal budget trackers. We’ve also included a detailed guide on how to create one step by step that will fit what you’re looking for.
Keeping track of money will never be boring ever again – that’s for sure. They’ll definitely surprise you in a positive way!
How To Create A Budget Tracker In A Journal
Before we get started, here are a few things you should know. There are different types of budget trackers and finance spreads you can choose to use but a lot of them will incorporate a little of each into one spread that is pretty useful.
To break things down, here are the type of budget spreads you’ll usually come across:
- Savings Trackers
- Expense Trackers
- Savings, Spending, and Expense Log
The first thing you’ll want to do is to decide on what kind of option you’ll be tracking.
Are you looking for a simple monthly expense tracker to detail everything you bought or paid for in the month? Then here you’ll want to either create a table format to track the date, item, cost, and store.
If it’s a more detailed spread, then you’ll want to include things such as your income, overall budget, expenses for the month, savings goal or you categorize each expenditure by listing, for example, the house, car, food, and other items.
Don’t let this stress you out too much since these budget spreads will give you a good idea on how to make it work for you.
Budget Tracker Ideas & Inspiration
1. Bubble Themed
Idea via Instagram @ Cypscribbles
Finance spreads can be fun and exciting too especially with this bubble fantasy kind of effect. I really love how simple yet fancy this expense tracker spread looks!
2. Cute Panda Tracker
Idea via Instagram @ Study Susan
Okay, how cute is this panda spread? Although this spread may look complicated, it’s actually not that hard to recreate.
You’ll want to start off by writing the title in a fancy font and then leave a bit of space for some doodles.
Draw the table and with every alternate line, use a grey highlighter to mark those. Finish off by adding the cute doodles!
3. Monopoly
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This spread will help you keep track of all your money, especially your savings, accounts, expenses, and saving goals to help you prepare better for the future or things you’d like to get soon.
4. Sea Themed
Idea via Instagram @ Handmade By Jess Lee
Here’s another simple finance spread that gives you quite a bit of space to fill in especially if you’re the kind who always runs out of space.
You also have a cute sea themed doodle as a border that really brings this one together and makes it less standard and boring.
5. Pink Theme With Cute Radishes
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This cute radish themed finance spread is absolutely adorable especially with its pink touches.
You also have little blocks at the bottom to fill in for stuff like your wish list, salary, and savings amount.
6. Fun Header
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This spread will be perfect for the fall or slightly warmer seasons towards the end of the year.
Here you have a fancy text effect with one word over the other and a cute leaf doodle as a border just above the table.
Although this design is simple, it definitely catches the eye.
7. Neat and Clean
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Every time I see neat and clean bullet journal spreads like this one, I honestly think this type of handwriting is goals.
Although this one looks like a printout, you can easily hand do this by using a light grey pen to ink the table and a lovely light green mildliner for the top column.
8. Month at a Glance
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This is a spread you can use to keep track of these things you need to purchase for upcoming birthdays while also have a checklist for other bills to pay.
You can also include a no spend tracker at the bottom to challenge yourself to save more money.
9. Money Rules
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Include one of these ‘money rules’ in your bullet journal if you’d like to save more money or handle finances a little differently.
These rules or tips will be a useful deciding factor when you’re about to splash on an expensive item you might not even need in the future.
10. Budget Log & Spending Log
This full two-page spread is great if you want to keep track of your budget, like food and other expenses, a spending log for detailed entries, and a running log.
There’s also a reflection block to help you make better choices or pick up on things you can change or see what worked and what didn’t.
11. Leaves
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Love floral and plant themed spreads? So do we! Take a look at this gorgeous one over here that is both easy to draw and bound to turn out amazing.
12. Clean, Minimalistic Spread
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If you need a simple, straight to the point, budget spread, this one is perfect for you. This spread will track everything important without any doodles or artistic distractions on the side.
13. Purple Themed
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This spread makes use of just 1-2 colors to create a stunning picture.
With this idea, you can easily swop the color of your marker for one of your choice if you choose to opt for this layout.
14. Pretty Yellow and Green Spread
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Well, as shown above, budget spreads never have to be boring and this one simply proves this!
With just the use of a yellow and green marker, you can create an awesome spread like this one in a few minutes.
15. Planets
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This expense tracker has doodles on the corner of the page and seems to be done with watercolors but you can do it with any marker or color pen.
See also: 64 Bullet Journal Borders To Use (+ Corner Border Ideas)
16. Colorful Boxes Spread
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For a quick bullet journal finance spread idea, you can draw up in a few minutes, try this one over here.
There’s also an adorable small key at the bottom of the page to reference if you need it.
17. Budget Spread With Adorable Puppy
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That little puppy in between the columns is such a cute idea and definitely one I’ll be trying in my next spread. If you would like to include something cute in your spread, try this one out.
18. Shades of Green Theme
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And lastly, we have a simple green-themed expense tracker to try.
If you’re not in the mood for any fancy fonts or effects, this spread is pretty straightforward and easy to recreate.
As you can see, creating a bullet journal budget tracker is a simple and easy way to effectively keep track of all your finances and money being spent or saved.
It’s one of the easiest ways to always be informed of every transaction while helping you make the necessary improvements to change your finances.
If you incorporate a few of these budget spreads into your bullet journal, you’ll definitely notice how helpful they actually are when you can see all your finances in one place.
Related: Ways To Use A Bullet Journal For Work (& 9 Best Page Ideas)