Bullet Journal Benefits: 7 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Journal
I always like to think of my bullet journal as a creative novel.
It’s a way to tell your story even though all you may have filled it in with were to-do lists or plans for the future.
So, why should you journal? When you really dive into a bullet journal, you’ll be surprised to find that at the end of the year, all your experiences, memories, and feelings have been recorded.
When you look back, you’ll be glad to see the goals you’ve set and the ones you’ve accomplished or simply bathe in that glow of actually sticking to a small task and completing it.
Don’t we all just live for those small wins?
Though I cannot deny that there will be that tiny party of you that may be a little disappointed to see dreams that weren’t fulfilled but you’ll also be excited to find new passions and aspirations.
You’ll feel proud to see how much growth you’ve made in that year.
And that is why, my friends, bullet journaling is one of the best hobbies worth investing your time into.
If you’ve been curious about starting your own bullet journal, then these bullet journal benefits just might give you that push you need that will change your life for the better.
1. Helps With Time Management
One of the most important aspects of accomplishing any task is, of course, time management. Without effective planning and management of your time, you’ll find yourself struggling to complete any task you’ve set.
You’ll also find yourself experiencing much more unnecessary stress and less productivity.
Your bullet journal will help you make the best use of your time.
It’s easy to track time when you break up certain tasks and assign a specific amount of time to that task.
Try the Pomodoro technique: set a timer for 20 minutes and only focus on that specific task until you complete that time. Then award yourself with a 5-minute break and set another amount of time for another task or to complete the one you were working on.
To get the most out of your time, you could try using a daily time log to track your tasks or in your weekly spread, separate a certain period of time for that specific task to be done every day of the week or just for that day.
A bullet journal will be of great help when it comes to scheduling certain tasks in your weekly spreads by prioritizing the most important ones.
You’ll also be motivated to complete these tasks within those certain time frames.
For example, if you need to load the dishwasher, set a 5-minute mark to finish that task after dinner.
Maybe there’s a new article that needs to go out soon, set 20 minutes aside and only focus on that jotting down ideas or begin your introduction to help you get going.
When you use these techniques and assign time to certain tasks, you find yourself being more productive and getting more things done in shorter periods.
2. Boosts Productivity
Bullet journaling is a great way to increase your productivity. It allows you to set goals, track certain tasks, schedule events and basically help manage every aspect of your life.
Have you ever noticed that when you physically write something down, you tend to remember it better? It shifts your focus, gives you better clarity, and helps you become more creative.
Here are a few bullet journal page ideas that will definitely boost your productivity:
- Habit Trackers – These are a usually a one-page spread that lists all things you need to track for a month like exercising, waking up early, drinking water, making your bed, quick cleaning tasks, diet changes, and more.
- Daily Logs – Will ensure your day is completely set out from the minute you wake up till the moment you head off to bed.
- Weekly Spreads – These spreads are a must-have in every bullet journal especially if you want to make sure your weeks are well planned and everything you need to be done is scheduled. It will ensure you keep track of the things you need to do every week.
- Monthly Review – I love the idea of a monthly review log just to help you see your progress and also you understand where you went wrong or which areas you’ll need to improve on in the month. It will keep you accountable for things you do or need to do.
- Goal Trackers – Keeping goals are essential for ensuring you’re on the right track and also it helps to guide you along the way. Tracking your goals is a great way to keep being productive.
- Chore Charts – These journal spreads are great for those who want to make sure you’re productive and motivated when it comes to cleaning.
- Reading Trackers – I’m an avid reader and I always find that when you keep a reading tracker, it keeps you motivated to finish reading those pages or tackling that evergrowing ‘to be read’ pile.
3. Mental Health – Reduces Stress & Anxiety
Although bullet journaling may not be for everyone, those that do journal and write things down find themselves less stressed and less anxious.
When you schedule certain tasks, it immediately lets your brain know that you have a plan.
Keeping track of events, appointments and due dates will ensure you’re always ahead of time and you’ll be able to feel more confident and less stressed.
You’ll be able to have more mental clarity and focus when you write thoughts down. This can be easily down by setting aside a brain dump page.
Another great way to help you deal with stress is by using a mood tracker for the month that will eventually help you better understand your emotions and your triggers.
Here are our 3 favorite bullet journal pages that will help improve your mental health:
The Stop Method
This simple yet effective method over at Myrefuge will help when you’re feeling low. It involves four steps:
S – Stop
T – Take a breath
O – Observe
P – Proceed with purpose
Here’s a visual representation that will help you understand it better.

Positive Self Talk
Dedicate a full page to create an inspirational quote page that will lift you up when your spirits are low. Grab a few quotes that always help you feel better and write them down on a page.
Take a look at this gorgeous spread by Amiza Omar.
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She used this quote:
“You have to know in your heart that no one can outshine you. If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else.” – Unknown
Coping Plan
I love this coping plan by Sarah over a Luckyletters. It’s a beautiful and simple spread that lists things to feel better and help you stay in the moment.

4. Explores Creativity
The one thing I love the most about bullet journaling is that it enables you to explore your creativity while also increasing creativity to new levels.
Even if you’re not as talented at drawing or being artistic like some, it pushes you to explore your own style of drawing and as time passes and the more you bullet journal, you’ll find yourself experiencing different art styles which will become noticeable in your spreads.
It’s a fantastic way to think out of the box in many other areas of your life, whether that’s scheduling tasks, completing work projects, or just managing other things, you’ll be more creative when making decisions.
5. Increases Self-Awareness
Bullet journaling daily is a powerful way to increase self-awareness and get to truly know yourself better, even if you think you might already know yourself enough.
When you record your moods, thoughts, feelings, and actions, you expose yourself to the ability to pick up certain traits about yourself and ways to improve through different actions or thoughts.
By noticing these tiny details, you’ll now be capable of changing things in the future if they are likely to occur again but most importantly, you’ll be more aware of yourself while being in the present.
Here are a few prompts to include in a journal that will increase self-awareness:
- How was my day today?
- What are the small things that make me smile?
- Things you are most grateful for in life
- 20 things I cannot live without
- 10 words that describe who I am
- What are my fears, insecurities, and doubts?
- What was the most challenging moment you’ve experienced and how did you overcome it?
- Which are my biggest challenges right now?
- Important decisions that need to be made
- Is there any moment or decision I would have changed if I could?
- How have I changed in the last few years?
- Which habits need to be changed soon?
- What is your perfect and ideal day?
If you liked these journaling prompts for self-awareness, then here’s a list of 105 items you might like to include in your own bullet journal.
Only through discovery and self-awareness can you truly get to know oneself.
6. Leads To Inspiration & Motivation
How often have you struggled to find that source of inspiration or motivation that will push you to finish your goals or task?
How many times have you watched a motivational video or read a book that will inspire you only to find that the motivation lasts for a few minutes or hours but never long enough for you to actually achieve your goals?
Have you ever sat down and wondered why this happens? It’s simple. The only person who will ever inspire you or motivate you is yourself.
You’ll have to choose to fight for what you want.
That is why journaling helps to inspire and motivate much longer than any other person telling you to get up and go for it.
When you flip through your journal and see the plans you made and the ideas you decorated or those goals with a heart drawn around them, it will remind you of what you need to do.
When you’re not feeling up for it or when you’ve given up, your journal will make you say, ‘Oh hey, remember this? Remember when you had a goal? Are you going to just leave me like this – on paper, unticked?’
7. Helps Track & Accomplish Goals
When you put your thoughts to paper, it becomes a reality. When you set out what you need to do, you make a plan. There’s a certain level of commitment that will make sure you get your stuff done.
It does not need to be big or life-changing goals! You could stop yourself from using your phone or watching Youtube for hours simply by tracking them in your journal. It’s as simple as that.
Here are a few habits a bullet journal can track:
- Sleeping patterns
- Waking up early
- Moods
- Exercise sessions
- No sugar for a month
- No phone time
- Drinking water
- No facebook, Instagram, or twitter
- Cleaning
- Pay bills
- Studying
As you can see, there are many benefits to starting a bullet journal. It is beneficial in many ways but the only aspect that stands out the most to me is that bullet journaling can change your life.
It will improve the way you live, the way you think, and the things you do. And that my friends are enough reason to why you should journal.
Anything that will make you a better person or help you in every way, is worth giving a chance.